Our Mission:

This is a blog to document our adoption journey. After many years of infertility and heartache we feel that we are being led to parent the parentless. There are millions of children in the world that need a loving home and loving parents. After much prayer and soul searching our hearts have been drawn to Ethiopia. With the help of Children's Hope International we hope to adopt a baby boy from Ethiopia. Bourkely Zane may not be born yet but he is definantly alive in our hearts. We love him already.

We would like to thank our family and friends in advance for there support. We ask for your prayers as we embark on this long and emotional journey.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Home Study in the last stages!!!!!!

Spring has sprung at the DeVinney's and that means weddings are upon us and for photographers and caterers this is a busy time and since I live with one of each that means that my life is busy too. Life at the hospital has been crazy also....a national nursing shortage does not mean that people get sick less. So that has meant many of hours of overtime for this nurse. The paychecks are awesome and are a blessing to our adoption budget and for that I am eternally grateful.
I have not posted for a while and I am so sorry!!!! I have been so busy with work, helping with weddings and  adoption paperwork I have not had much time for anything else. Life has definantly been paperwork crazy around the DeVinney house. Well we have almost finished another step in our journey. The draft of our homestudy is on its way to Children's of Hope in St. Louis to be approved by our CHI adoption consultant and if she oks it then to the Central Immigration Service it goes to be approved by the Federal Goverment. Cross your fingers and pray really hard that no major editing needs to be done so that we can cross one more thing off of our list. We are hoping to be able to have our dossier sent to Ethiopia by the end of June at the latest. That means the wait list time of hopefully only 8-10 months will begin. With the new developments with the Ethiopian goverment putting a restriction on how many children they are releasing each day this has added many unknowns to this adoption process. No one....even our adoption agency is sure how much these restrictions are going to change the Ethiopian program We believe that our son is in Ethiopia and we will be in it for the long run no matter how long it takes. He will be so worth it in the end.......    TaTa for now!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates! I love reading about everything - you are truly amazing people. Stay strong - we are sending all sorts of thoughts and prayers from Pittsburgh :)
