Our Mission:

This is a blog to document our adoption journey. After many years of infertility and heartache we feel that we are being led to parent the parentless. There are millions of children in the world that need a loving home and loving parents. After much prayer and soul searching our hearts have been drawn to Ethiopia. With the help of Children's Hope International we hope to adopt a baby boy from Ethiopia. Bourkely Zane may not be born yet but he is definantly alive in our hearts. We love him already.

We would like to thank our family and friends in advance for there support. We ask for your prayers as we embark on this long and emotional journey.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


It is Dec. 9, 2010 and our homestudy has officially begun. We had our first home study interview with our adoption social worker today. Our county/area is so internationally adoption challenged that we had to drive three and a half hours to Dayton, OH to find a agency licensed in our state that was willing to work with the distance. However  I am glad that we picked Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, our social worker, Molinda, is so sweet and so very helpful. She does have to make the trek to our house in January and then it is just the waiting game for the state of Ohio to do there thing. In a dream world we could have a referral by christmas next year. I believe in the power of prayer, faith and prayer are what make dreams happen along with a little hard work. So as we embark on this next step in our journe to bring Bourkely home we covet your thoughts and prayers. TaTa for now......