Our Mission:

This is a blog to document our adoption journey. After many years of infertility and heartache we feel that we are being led to parent the parentless. There are millions of children in the world that need a loving home and loving parents. After much prayer and soul searching our hearts have been drawn to Ethiopia. With the help of Children's Hope International we hope to adopt a baby boy from Ethiopia. Bourkely Zane may not be born yet but he is definantly alive in our hearts. We love him already.

We would like to thank our family and friends in advance for there support. We ask for your prayers as we embark on this long and emotional journey.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CIS fingerprinting complete!!!!!!

Jason and I traveled to a very rainy Pittsburgh yesterday to have our biometrics interview with the Central Immigration Service office. I am so not a city girl....walking three blocks in the rain does not to me equal a good time, but however neccesary in this situation. The whole process was painless...except the fact that I was super tired (I had worked 12 hours the night before and had only approx. 2 hours of sleep). The staff was super friendly and polite......for some reason this suprised me. Most government offices I have been to everything is very official and very stuffy....so when this was not the case I was pleasantly  suprised. We are now just waiting on the paperwork from the Homeland Security Office in DC that confirms that we are in fact capable of being parents to a baby not born in this country. The whole topic of this last sentence makes my blood curl....not a time or place for a soap box but I have my own issues with this process. I have come to terms that this is the process that the Lord wants us to complete to become parents and endure we will with His help. Patience is not a virtue of mine so I  must remind myself daily that everything happens in His time. Please continue to pray that everything will fall into place as far as the paper work and funding are concerned. Looking a little into the future we have also began to pray for a timely referral. Seeing other waiting familiesgo way passed the estimated 8-10 months for a referral is a little discouraging. I keep telling myself that the Lord knows which little boy is supposed to be our son and we will be matched when the timing is perfect.

So sorry that this blog post was a little weepy but I think that writing down my feelings helps me process.....Thanks so much for the ears, the shoulders and most of all for the PRAYERS!!!!!!

Bourkely, Mommy and Daddy love you and cannot wait to see your beautiful face!!!!